1 | 8,284 | 7,491 | petrovich | A morphological library for Russian anthroponyms, such as first names, last names, and ... |
2 | 20,371 | 30,732 | greeb | Greeb is a simple yet awesome and Unicode-aware regexp-based tokenizer, written in Ruby. |
3 | 13,060 | 30,597 | strawberry | Tree-Oriented Table Data Storage based on TokyoCabinet. |
4 | 40,046 | 57,505 | myaso | Myaso is a morphological analysis library in Ruby. |
5 | 63,681 | 57,505 | myasorubka | Myasorubka is a morphological data processor. |
6 | 37,316 | 28,019 | utochki | When ssh or rsync is not available, utochki swims. |
7 | 46,450 | 31,678 | shkuph | Shkuph: A Comfortable and Unified Key-Value Storage Interface. |
8 | 96,094 | 30,732 | rdf-lemon | Adds the lemon and LexInfo vocabularies to RDF.rb |
9 | 61,905 | 30,597 | gistup | Gistup: Use The Gists. |