Dustalov's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,3139,873petrovichA morphological library for Russian anthroponyms, such as first names, last names, and ...
220,08350,313greebGreeb is a simple yet awesome and Unicode-aware regexp-based tokenizer, written in Ruby.
313,06030,597strawberryTree-Oriented Table Data Storage based on TokyoCabinet.
439,300110,648myasoMyaso is a morphological analysis library in Ruby.
563,104110,648myasorubkaMyasorubka is a morphological data processor.
637,31628,019utochkiWhen ssh or rsync is not available, utochki swims.
746,45031,678shkuphShkuph: A Comfortable and Unified Key-Value Storage Interface.
895,61535,014rdf-lemonAdds the lemon and LexInfo vocabularies to RDF.rb
961,90530,597gistupGistup: Use The Gists.