Kengho's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
125,95353,556vipnet_parserParses ViPNet™ IDs, iplir.conf and other files
255,42431,663garlandProvides GarlandRails::Base class for ActiveRecord, which allows you to save Hashes usi...
380,13986,038vipnet_getterAllows to get configuration files like iplir.conf (and more) from ViPNet™ products such...
481,52686,038me_sdIntroduces 'MESD' class that works with ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus without API access.
5124,65542,025hashdiff_symHashDiffSym is a diff lib to compute the smallest difference between two hashes.
6163,34486,038themizerProvides methods which expands you regular SASS in rails into themed one using & op...