Coreyja's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,66822,984journaledA Rails engine to durably deliver schematized events to Amazon Kinesis via DelayedJob.
234,23357,505sleetSleet provides an easy way to grab the most recent Rspec persistance files from CircleC...
367,86357,505hash_attribute_assignmentInstantiate objects with a hash of instance variables
484,04030,732coreyja-test-gemA gem to test some upgrade weirdness
594,15157,505rubocop-coreyjaPersonal Rubocop Config
6109,49157,505coreyja-test-gem-2A gem to test some upgrade weirdness
7128,22057,505lifx-faradayLiFX API implemented using Faraday
8138,99757,505status-lightThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
9167,72057,505webpackandmockThis make the Webmock and Webpacker gems play nicely together