Vitalinfo's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
131,32925,363acts_as_downcasable_onEasy way to define AR attributes that should be stored in lowercase
234,16817,731sidekiq-heroku-scalerTool to scale sidekiq dynos on Heroku
334,24528,274acts_as_strippable_onEasy way to define AR attributes that should be stripped before save
435,49228,274activerecord_touchyExtend AR to use touch for has_many and has_one relations
537,58137,925after_commit_stateEasy way to check model state in after_commit callback
648,33414,979validates_unchangeableLibrary for validating unchangeable attributes.
783,18269,547database_leak_finderEasy way to find spec which doesn't clear database after execution
8109,63669,547letter_opener_web_s3Gives letter_opener and letter_opener_web work with S3
9146,78569,547activerecord_lookup_or_initializeActiveRecord::Relation extension, find object in collection if it exists or build new one