Gabrieletassoni's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
115,16131,892thecore_ui_rails_adminHolds all base dependencies and configurations to have a thecore integrated with Rails ...
216,85975,392thecore_apiThe base of all the apis.
317,00837,438thecore_dataentry_commonsThis plugin adds some partials to deal with DataWedge WebSocket.
418,77312,620thecore_ui_commonsEngine to serve configurations and rails module useful for all the UIs.
519,56831,892thecoreStart from here and build whatever you want to.
622,25816,541model_driven_apiRuby on Rails REST APIs built by convention using the DB schema as the foundation, plea...
723,03918,168thecore_print_commonsThecorized thecore_print_commons full description.
826,28475,392rails_admin_ui_layout_tarisCustom layouts.
927,81716,541thecore_auth_commonsProvides common User and Role models to attach Authentication and Authorization via you...
1030,75812,861thecore_backend_commonsWrapper to keep all the common libraries and setups needed by Thecore UI Backend(s).
1132,36137,438thecore_background_jobsAdds Background workers functionality and management to Thecore.
1240,34475,392thecore_dataentry_with_date_start_and_endDummy package to pull all the dependencies for building complex dataentry forms
1340,57875,392thecore_ui_partial_snippetsRails partials useful in Thecore Atomic Components and main.
1441,74737,438thecore_settingsActiveRecord + RailsAdmin App Settings management
1553,50775,392thecore_ftp_helpersThecorized thecore_ftp_helpers full description.
1656,63075,392rails_admin_ui_index_cardsAdd the cards view for lists.
1757,21748,252thecore_download_documentsSome helper methods to create pdfs and csvs ina a simple, tabellar notation. for PDF yo...
1859,20748,252rails_admin_selectizeSelectize is a fantastic way to select values from and association.
1961,56375,392thecore_ui_layout_taris_websiteAssets and htmls for non rails_admin part of the App.
2062,36437,438schema_based_apiRuby on Rails REST APIs built by convention using the DB schema as the foundation.
2175,46948,252thecore_mssql_importer_commonThecorized thecore_mssql_importer_common full description.
2280,23875,392thecore_print_with_templateThecorized thecore_print_with_template full description.
2380,80175,392thecore_theme_tarisDummy package to pull all the dependencies for UI part of Thecore (Taris Theme).
2490,26875,392rails_admin_ui_dashboard_blocksThe Dashboard coolnes.
25103,06475,392rails_admin_telnet_printThe set of printers must be present in the database.
26128,09848,252thecore_serversThecorized thecore_servers full description.
27142,29075,392rails_admin_amoeba_dupOnly for the models you set as enabled, this plugin adds a member action that allows fo...
28159,41675,392rails_admin_depositThecorized Description of RailsAdminDeposit.
29159,61375,392thecore_auth_with_single_roleThecorized thecore_auth_with_single_role full description.
30159,80575,392rails_admin_openingThecorized: Description of RailsAdminOpening.
31159,82275,392rails_admin_filter_by_idUses a where condition to set objects based on,, etc.
32165,14875,392thecore_download_pdf_commonsThis component sends back to the browser a pdf, in order to let it be downloaded.
33167,21048,252thecore_tcp_debugIn this gem all the CSS overrides wil be tracked.
34167,81975,392mobilart_print_templatesAll the print templates for the printer plugin. Mobilart version
35167,99775,392mobilart_modelsAs above.
36171,28575,392gentili_async_mssql_importerThecorized gentili_async_mssql_importer full description.