Datadoghq's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1404704dogstatsd-rubyA Ruby DogStatsd client
24201,215dogapiRuby bindings for Datadog's API
3451713ddtraceNOTICE: This gem has been renamed to `datadog` since 2.0.0. Please use `datadog` instea...
41,0122,048chef-handler-datadogThis Handler will report the events and metrics for a chef-client run to Datadog.
51,117706libddwaflibddwaf packages a WAF implementation in C++, exposed to Ruby
61,225708libdatadoglibdatadog is a Rust-based utility library for Datadog's ddtrace gem.
72,0831,544datadog_api_clientCollection of all Datadog Public API endpoints.
82,157838datadog-cidatadog-ci is a Datadog's CI visibility library for Ruby. It traces tests as they are...
92,2012,445fluent-plugin-datadogDatadog output plugin for Fluent event collector
102,8893,908datadog-lambdadatadog-lambda is Datadog's AWS Lambda integration for ruby. It is used to perform dist...
113,16710,005sqreenSqreen is a SaaS based Application protection and monitoring platform that integrates d...
123,2773,589busser-rspec_datadogA Busser runner plugin for RSpec
133,4824,799libddproflibddprof contains implementation bits used by Datadog's ddtrace gem as part of its Con...
143,99413,862sq_mini_racerMinimal embedded v8 engine for Ruby (Sqreen's fork)
154,20510,291libsqreenDistributes fast compiled functions for the Sqreen agent
164,64710,161sqreen-kitSqreen development kit for Ruby
174,6916,794logstash-output-datadog_logsDatadogLogs lets you send logs to Datadog based on LogStash events.
184,77610,161sqreen-backportBackports to keep supporting old rubies
196,5853,297fastlane-plugin-datadogDatadog actions for iOS development
2010,4412,197datadogdatadog is Datadog's client library for Ruby. It includes a suite of tools which provid...
2113,89040,310datadog-sdk-testingDatadog Integration SDK testing/scaffolding gem
2221,19627,598sqreen-altSqreen is a SaaS based Application protection and monitoring platform that integrates d...
2321,49318,285libv8-alpineDistributes the V8 JavaScript engine in binary and source forms in order to support fas...
2455,44540,310graftVendor-independent collaborative hooking library for Ruby
2594,53740,310libv8-solarisDistributes the V8 JavaScript engine in binary and source forms in order to support fas...
2697,65040,310securitytxtThis gems includes various tools about security.txt for Ruby: A rails engine, A Rack Mi...
27129,39040,310opentelemetry-exporters-datadogThis exporter has been deprecated. To export your OTLP traces from OpenTelemetry SDK di...
28162,06627,598dogapi-rbThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
29162,40240,310datadog-api-client-rubyThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
30163,01340,310datadogapiThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
31163,21840,310datadog-lambda-rubyThis is a placeholder, you should use the datadog-lambda package instead.
32163,23640,310datadogapi-rbThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
33165,19840,310sq_detailed_metricsDetailed per-request metrics for Sqreen
34167,29740,310busser-serverspec_datadogA Busser runner plugin for Serverspec
35176,47340,310ddsketchDDSketch is a fast-to-insert, fully mergeable, space-efficient quantile sketch with rel...