1 | 14,764 | 42,561 | erp_app | Provides an application infrastructure based on the Sencha/extjs UI framework, as well ... |
2 | 15,206 | 37,391 | compass_ae_starter_kit | Contains compass_ae command to create a new Compass AE application |
3 | 17,353 | 42,561 | knitkit | Knitkit is CompassAE's content and digital asset management application. It is based on... |
4 | 18,879 | 73,973 | erp_tech_svcs | This engine is implemented with the premise that services like logging, tracing and enc... |
5 | 23,359 | 73,973 | erp_commerce | The CompassAE Commerce Engine uses the engines that implement Parties, Products and Ord... |
6 | 23,841 | 52,448 | erp_base_erp_svcs | contains an implementation of the ubiquitous 'party model' for managing people, organiz... |
7 | 31,462 | 52,448 | erp_orders | The Orders Engine in CompassAE implements models for Orders, Order Items and Order stat... |
8 | 31,573 | 42,561 | erp_txns_and_accts | The Transactions and Accounts Engine implements the root classes for adding business tr... |
9 | 31,674 | 73,973 | erp_invoicing | ErpInvoicing adds models and services to the CompassAE core to handle invoicing and bil... |
10 | 33,697 | 52,448 | erp_products | The Products Engine implements ProductType and ProductInstance, as well as a number of ... |
11 | 33,932 | 73,973 | erp_search | The CompassAE Search Engine provides functionality to facilitate both dimensional and i... |
12 | 36,524 | 73,973 | erp_inventory | The Inventory Engine in CompassAE implements a set of models for storing information ab... |
13 | 36,558 | 20,777 | rails_db_admin | RailsDB Admin is similar in functionality to PHPMyAdmin and other database browsing and... |
14 | 36,758 | 73,973 | erp_work_effort | Description of ErpWorkEffort. |
15 | 39,715 | 52,448 | compass_ae_console | Compass AE Console is an application that sits on top of the Compass AE framework that ... |
16 | 39,931 | 73,973 | erp_agreements | The Agreements Engine implements model classes for storing Contracts and Agreements dat... |
17 | 40,044 | 42,561 | erp_communication_events | ErpCommunicationEvents add models and services to CompassAE's ERP core to handle contac... |
18 | 40,161 | 73,973 | erp_financial_accounting | The CompassAE Financial Accounting Engine implements the basic classes that allow eithe... |
19 | 40,170 | 37,391 | erp_rules | The Rules Module of CompassAE includes classes which act as helpers in externalizing th... |
20 | 42,238 | 73,973 | compass_ae | Full ERP stack with a CRM, CMS and mulitple ERP Modules based on Silverston data models |
21 | 43,922 | 73,973 | compass_ae_sencha | This gem provides the Sencha library for CompassAE. |
22 | 44,330 | 42,561 | erp_dev_svcs | This engine exists as development support for CompassAE. |