Skukx's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,17223,402avatax-rubyRuby client for Avatax
224,5618,630json_tagged_loggingWrite and tag your logs formatted as JSON
325,61733,893solidus_jwtAdd Json Web Tokens to Solidus API
470,03561,367solidus_identifiersMap 3rd party services to a spree user.These can include facebook, twitch, google, etc;
582,92961,367solidus_geocodingAdd geo-points to Spree::Address model.
694,07261,367rlyftRuby wrapper for Lyft API.
7126,52361,367gitlab-rubyRuby client for GitLab API
8131,26061,367solidus_recommendationsRecommendations for Solidus using Elasticsearch significant terms aggregation