1 | 20,942 | 53,223 | doyoubuzz-showcase | Wrapper around the DoYouBuzz showcase API |
2 | 22,403 | 53,223 | reasonable-value | Simple value object gem with straighforward type validation |
3 | 25,688 | 97,699 | data-hoover | This gem exposes a simple API to implement eventsourcing in your app. |
4 | 26,217 | 97,699 | fail_to_ban | Lib for handle burte force with key |
5 | 78,676 | 53,223 | psql_autocomplete | Allow the generation of autocomplete queries with postgres. |
6 | 153,910 | 97,699 | active_record_or_scope | Allow chaining active record scopes with OR. |
7 | 159,154 | 97,699 | chewy-translation | Index and search on translated content with chewy. |
8 | 163,576 | 97,699 | solution | This is hte solution, you will thank me |
9 | 165,298 | 53,223 | validaform | Mount to an endpoint of your application, give it forms fields, and it'll return the va... |
10 | 168,802 | 97,699 | JSONiCal | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |