#104's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,0633,722fast_excelWrapper for libxlsxwriter using ffi
226,55930,305fog-backblazeBlackblade B2 stogate client for 'fog' gem, can be used for working with files and buck...
326,60163,432httpitHTTP sever for directory index with extra features
429,67241,916green_monkeyProvides useful helpers to map object with microdata types and display object's propert...
531,39141,916mida_vocabularyMicrodata schema.org vocabularies
640,50763,432lsd_railsHelpers and generators for LSD library with rails
751,61641,916light_recordActiveRecord extension to speedup ActiveRecord object allocation
854,93263,432sunraiseSuper-fast and simple rails deployment
963,88618,158dblinkCLI utility to share access to your local PostgreSQL server
1067,64325,458waithookWaithook gem is client lib for waithook service http://waithook.com
1179,27025,458rails_componentApplyng components for rails
1294,63130,305docker-cakeCommand line program to inspect docker images size
13115,23363,432can_writeTool for setting permission on files of web after deploy
14144,78163,432speciContiniusly rspec runner
15162,09725,458sentry_top_errorsGenerate top errors report for sentry