Antondomashnev's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,7216,085danger-changelogA plugin that is OCD about your CHANGELOG.
210,19346,623fastlane-plugin-download_github_release_assetThis action downloads a GitHub release's asset using the GitHub API and puts it in a de...
313,14927,962fastlane-plugin-remove_provisioning_profileRemove provision profile from your local machine
417,53360,424danger-missed_localizable_stringsA Danger plugin to check missing localizable strings.
5106,04384,840jigitKeep you JIRA issue statuses in sync with what you're doing actually.
6122,51284,840nabokovOne of the way to work on the localization - store it in the separate github repo ...
7159,759168,370danger-pr_reviewersPicks the reviewers for the your PRs.