Kjellberg's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
177,48341,916serp_scraperSERP Scraper is a ruby library that extracts keyword rankings from Google.
2132,26530,305authenticatableAuthentication solution for Ruby on Rails
3134,20263,432monozCommand line tool for managing ruby monorepos.
4143,75263,432facebook-profile-scraperParses info from Facebook profiles
5163,89163,432backendAn administration panel for Ruby on Rails.
6172,24763,432teamableExtension to enable teams for Authenticatable
7176,74363,432active_record-translatedSeparate database records for each language, grouped together with an ID
8177,25163,432external_identityAuthentication solution for Ruby on Rails
9159,22483,758wppgA simple hello world gem
10178,66163,432google_parserWrite a longer description or delete this line.
11178,69963,432ireliaView components, assets and styles built with Tailwind CSS for KIQR.
12178,72763,432kiqrKIQR is a Rails engine that provides a solid foundation for building SaaS applications.
13163,95831,901kiqr_deviseGenerates and configures Devise with a User model for Kiqr
14164,49646,974kiqr_coreKiqr Models, Helpers, Services and core libraries
15168,01052,157kiqr_frontendKiqr views and layout in TailwindCSS for the starter kit generated by the kiqr command ...