1 | 2,595 | 2,606 | sorcery | Provides common authentication needs such as signing in/out, activating by email and re... |
2 | 63,456 | 53,556 | rubocop-athix | Provides a centralized location for Athix's commonly used RuboCop overrides. |
3 | 95,502 | 53,556 | validator-matchers | RSpec matchers for your custom validator unit testing |
4 | 110,382 | 26,609 | sorcery-argon2 | Provides a minimal ruby wrapper for the Argon2 password hashing algorithm. |
5 | 141,975 | 86,038 | rubocop-csa | Provides a centralized location for CSA's commonly used RuboCop overrides. |
6 | 174,062 | 53,556 | sorcery-oauth | Adds plugins to Sorcery for supporting OAuth login. |
7 | 174,117 | 86,038 | sorcery-core | Provides common authentication needs that can be easily used within your own MVC struct... |
8 | 174,254 | 86,038 | sorcery-mfa | Adds plugins to Sorcery for supporting MFA login. |
9 | 179,774 | 86,038 | dependency-timeline-audit | Provides a way to audit your dependencies based on release timeline. |
10 | 180,312 | 53,556 | gsd-database | Provides an easy way to interact with the GSD Database via Ruby. |