1 | 9,830 | 61,367 | gov_uk_date_fields | Provides acts_as_gov_uk_date to mark Rails model attributes as dates that will be enter... |
2 | 9,870 | 7,963 | govuk_notify_rails | Custom ActionMailer delivery method for sending emails via GOV.UK Notify API |
3 | 27,938 | 61,367 | govuk_elements_form_builder | Custom Ruby on Rails form builder that generates GOV.UK elements styled markup for form... |
4 | 48,065 | 18,157 | mojfile-uploader-api-client | API client for integration with the MOJ File Uploader |
5 | 107,655 | 61,367 | govuk-pay-ruby-client | Ruby client for GOV.UK Pay API (basic functionality) |
6 | 131,999 | 33,893 | moj-simple-jwt-auth | Simple JWT Auth ruby gem with middleware for Faraday and Grape. |