Cestreich's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,55911,448facebook_adsThis gem allows to easily manage your Facebook ads via Facebook's Marketing API in ruby.
217,89924,241payoneer-clientPayoneer SDK for ruby.
319,20874,510intermix-clientIntermix API Client in Ruby
435,46547,329tophatter-merchantThe Tophatter merchant platform is an e-commerce platform. It allows merchants to manag...
579,82974,510zinc-apiRuby bindings for the Zinc API.
6122,55274,510aliexpressAliExpress SDK for ruby.
7133,03538,694mechmarketSearch r/mechmarket for new posts with desired products and trigger an alert.
8173,05047,329money-tree-opensslA Ruby Gem implementation of Bitcoin HD Wallets (forked to remove ffi)