Urkle's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,0866,911schema_plus_coreProvides an internal extension API to ActiveRecord, in the form of middleware-style cal...
24,1356,601schema_monkeyProvides a module insertion protocol to facilitate adding features to ActiveRecord
34,1736,624modwareA middleware library, featuring a simple interface and "callback" style semantics in th...
44,4087,312schema_plus_indexesAdds shorthands and conveniences to ActiveRecord's handling of indexes
55,14216,060schema_plusSchemaPlus is a gem that simply pulls in a collection of other gems from the SchemaPlus...
65,1675,038ar-multidbMultidb is an ActiveRecord extension for switching between multiple database connection...
75,40318,795schema_plus_pg_indexesAdds support in ActiveRecord for PostgreSQL index expressions and operator classes, as ...
85,91610,148schema_plus_foreign_keysExtended support for foreign key constraints in ActiveRecord, including: definition as ...
96,0658,253schema_plus_columnsAdds useful accessors to ActiveRecord's Column object.
106,26410,963schema_auto_foreign_keysIn an ActiveRecord migration, set the default to create a foreign key and index for all...
116,78025,520netsoft-dangerPackages a Dangerfile to be used with Danger.
126,91710,863schema_plus_viewsAdds support for views to ActiveRecord
136,92122,870schema_plus_enumsAdds support for enum data types in ActiveRecord
147,01716,601schema_plus_default_exprExtends ActiveRecord migrations to allow an SQL expression for the default value of a c...
157,03411,700schema_plus_compatibilityCompatibility helpers for the SchemaPlus family of gems
167,85822,870schema_plus_db_defaultDefines constant ActiveRecord::DB_DEFAULT which, when saved as an attribute's value, ca...
177,92721,119schema_plus_tablesExtends ActiveRecord's handling of tables
188,3958,690schema_validationsSchemaValidations extends ActiveRecord to automatically create validations by inspectin...
1912,8868,741schema_devSchemaPlus development tools
2022,401132,035schema_associationsSchemaAssociations extends ActiveRecord to automatically create associations by inspect...
2132,29616,060netsoft-rubocopHubstaff style guides and shared style configs.
2246,074132,035sidekiq-instrumentalSend Sidekiq status into Instrumental after every job
2362,28118,795schema_plus_functionsAdds support for functions in ActiveRecord
2462,37119,837schema_plus_triggersAdds support for triggers in ActiveRecord
2588,95837,537process_balancerA self-balancing long-running job runner
2698,28437,537schema_plus_multischemaAdds support for multiple schemas in activerecord when using Postgres
27101,60319,837rubocop-viewer_formatterA formatter for rubocop that generates a vue based-interactive app