Sandbergja's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
116,05514,615blacklight-marcMARC support for Blacklight
237,00366,923evergreen_holdingsAccess holdings information from Evergreen ILS
379,19666,923blacklight-citeprocSwap in really accurate citations using a wide variety of citation styles to your Black...
497,52666,923known_item_search_classifierClassify search query strings
5113,51166,923call_number_rangesSome mappings of Library of Congress call numbers to academic departments. Very opini...
6131,70066,923change_the_subjectProvides configuration and utilities for replacing archaic subject terms with preferred...
7138,36066,923openlibrary-coversA small gem that quickly checks openlibrary to see if a cover image exists for the iden...
8180,86966,923evergreen-ilsA gem for interacting with the Evergreen Integrated Library System