Jessechavez's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
119,8736,853activerecord-jdbc-alt-adapterFork of the ActiveRecord JDBC adapter with support for SQL Server and Azure SQL, for mo...
231,2757,725jdbc-mssqlLoads the Microsoft SQL Server JDBC driver. Install this gem and require 'jdbc/mssql' w...
381,1909,340jdbc-pgsqlLoads the PostgreSQL JDBC driver. Install this gem and require 'jdbc/pgsql' within JRuby
485,79931,675webpacker-legacyUse Webpack to manage app-like JavaScript modules in Rails
5129,04165,624foundation-sass-railsThis gem add only the Sass part of Foundation frontend framework to a Rails project.
6142,03765,624selectr-railsThis gem adds Selectr to a rails project