Olegp's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,04910,476rfcRSpec Formatter Collection including a concise insta-failing formatter
223,68513,058paraspecParallel RSpec runner
3108,55774,484seriampLibrary for controlling Yamaha A/V receivers and Sonance Sonamp amplifiers via the seri...
4135,70342,524o-inifileIniFile is a pure ruby gem that can read and write most INI file formats
5161,09474,484sonampLibrary for controlling Sonance Sonamp 875D SE & 875D MkII amplifiers via the serial port
6161,77674,484weathercomWeather.com API client
7169,01474,484firefox-hash-generatorFirefox/Waterfox/Pale Moon search engine hash generator
8171,73836,831o-concurrent-rubyModern concurrency tools including agents, futures, promises, thread pools, actors, sup...
9171,88136,831o-concurrent-ruby-extC extensions to optimize the concurrent-ruby gem when running under MRI. Please see...
10174,96574,484yamahaLibrary for controlling Yamaha amplifiers via the serial port
11181,46351,783o-mpd_clientYet another Ruby MPD client library