1 | 6,507 | 6,048 | fastlane-plugin-update_project_codesigning | Updates the Xcode 8 Automatic Codesigning Flag |
2 | 6,707 | 16,639 | fastlane-plugin-upload_symbols_to_new_relic | Uploads dSym to New Relic |
3 | 7,108 | 13,614 | fastlane-plugin-aws_device_farm | Run UI Tests on AWS Devicefarm |
4 | 16,761 | 63,432 | fastlane-plugin-cryptex | fastlane Crypt Store Git repo |
5 | 22,401 | 63,432 | fastlane-plugin-sharethemeal | ShareTheMeal |
6 | 51,212 | 63,432 | stm_api | Donate to share the meal |
7 | 94,503 | 63,432 | fastlane-plugin-google_analytics | Fire universal Analytics |
8 | 106,799 | 63,432 | fastlane-plugin-playship | Interact with Google Play Api |
9 | 114,119 | 63,432 | krn-auth-ruby | Validate KRN JWT Tokens |
10 | 163,579 | 63,432 | fastlane-plugin-devresponse | Enables Spaceship to deal with developer response |