Also_elight's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,5633,532acts_as_commentable_with_threadingPolymorphic threaded comments Rails gem for Rails 4+
216,8396,892couldaBehaviour Driven Development derived from Cucumber but as an internal DSL with methods ...
328,27419,942vagrant-rackspaceEnables Vagrant to manage machines in RackSpace Cloud.
433,52522,311coulda_web_stepsProvides reusable steps for Coulda acceptance testing of Rack/Rails applications
533,75989,538redtapeA handy dandy way to avoid using #accepts_nested_attributes_for
647,04789,538rack-amqp-clientAn AMQP-HTTP ruby client
759,58231,183amqpartyAMQP-HTTP compliant replacement for HTTParty
889,35047,536yourdslRecords an internal DSL for playback as an AST within Ruby
9108,66347,536composable_fixturesAllows composing fixture sets
10114,29689,538modest_presenterA simple Presenter for use with arbitrary templating languages
11128,33758,808amqurlAMQP-HTTP compliant curl clone
12135,83989,538jackalopeAMQP-HTTP compliant Server for Rack applications