1 | 4,819 | 3,931 | activeadmin_quill_editor | An Active Admin plugin to use Quill Rich Text Editor |
2 | 8,314 | 22,467 | reverse_coverage | A tool to find what specs examples cover a specific line of code |
3 | 9,471 | 7,617 | activeadmin_dynamic_fields | An Active Admin plugin to add dynamic behaviors to fields |
4 | 9,698 | 5,434 | prawn-html | HTML to PDF with Prawn PDF |
5 | 10,580 | 10,198 | activeadmin_blaze_theme | An ActiveAdmin theme based on Blaze CSS UI toolkit |
6 | 11,027 | 7,424 | activeadmin_trumbowyg | An Active Admin plugin to use Trumbowyg Editor |
7 | 12,340 | 10,432 | rails_admin_material | A Material Design theme for rails_admin |
8 | 13,695 | 13,706 | prawn-styled-text | A Prawn PDF component which adds basic HTML support |
9 | 14,411 | 20,663 | activeadmin_froala_editor | An Active Admin plugin to use Froala WYSIWYG editor |
10 | 14,501 | 35,677 | activeadmin_active_resource | An Active Admin plugin to use Active Resource |
11 | 17,027 | 18,388 | activeadmin_selectize | An Active Admin plugin to use Selectize.js (jQuery required) |
12 | 17,056 | 14,267 | activeadmin_medium_editor | An Active Admin plugin to use Medium Editor |
13 | 20,773 | 19,393 | administrate_ransack | A plugin for Administrate to use Ransack for search filters |
14 | 26,232 | 28,543 | activeadmin_select_many | An Active Admin plugin which improves one-to-many and many-to-many associations selecti... |
15 | 27,657 | 9,730 | active_storage_db | An ActiveStorage service plugin to store files in database. |
16 | 34,467 | 24,889 | administrate-bootstrap-theme | A Bootstrap theme for Administrate: clean design, easy to install, customizable |
17 | 38,240 | 35,677 | contents_core | A Rails gem which offer a structure to manage contents in a flexible way: blocks with r... |
18 | 45,577 | 59,086 | rails_admin_mydash | An alternative dashboard for rails_admin |
19 | 50,393 | 59,086 | activeadmin_jfu_upload | An Active Admin plugin to use jQuery-File-Upload component |
20 | 60,111 | 20,663 | activeadmin_materialize_theme | A theme for Active Admin based on Materialize framework. |
21 | 61,622 | 35,677 | http-mock-server | A Ruby HTTP Mock Server based on Sinatra |
22 | 65,321 | 24,889 | administrate-materialize-theme | A Material Design theme for Administrate using Materialize framework |
23 | 79,226 | 24,889 | tiny_admin | A compact and composable dashboard component for Ruby |
24 | 81,733 | 59,086 | editable_components | UI components editable from the front-end for Rails |
25 | 82,647 | 59,086 | pinfo-rails | Command line utility to collect informations from a Rails project |
26 | 85,238 | 59,086 | sinatra-rest-api | Sinatra REST API generator: CRUD actions, nested resources, supports ActiveRecord, Sequ... |
27 | 88,874 | 59,086 | auto-seeding | A component to auto generate seed data with ActiveRecord using a set of predefined or c... |
28 | 94,788 | 59,086 | rails_admin_live_edit | A rails_admin plugin to edit site contents from the frontend |
29 | 97,282 | 59,086 | eventish | A simple and composable event library |
30 | 105,006 | 59,086 | rails_admin_extended_fields | RailsAdminExtendedFields adds more options to rails_admin fields |
31 | 123,941 | 59,086 | database_recorder | Record application queries, verify them against stored queries, and replay them. |
32 | 141,312 | 59,086 | runtime_config | A middleware to change configuration parameters at runtime for Rails 5 |
33 | 141,705 | 28,543 | repo-compare | Track changes of another repo. |
34 | 142,533 | 59,086 | active_job_store | ActiveJob Store permits to store jobs state and custom data on a database |
35 | 151,114 | 59,086 | compact_log_formatter | A Compact Log Formatter for Rails |
36 | 160,339 | 59,086 | activeadmin_simple_form | An Active Admin plugin to use Simple Form in place of Formtastic in edit views |
37 | 174,145 | 28,543 | rspec-instrumentation | A RSpec instrumentation component |
38 | 175,574 | 59,086 | rails-event-sourcing | Setup event sourcing in a Rails application easily |
39 | 176,085 | 24,889 | rubocop-rbs | RuboCop cops to check RBS signatures |