Mattia-roccoberton's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,9262,505activeadmin_quill_editorAn Active Admin plugin to use Quill Rich Text Editor
28,10914,615reverse_coverageA tool to find what specs examples cover a specific line of code
39,5046,800activeadmin_dynamic_fieldsAn Active Admin plugin to add dynamic behaviors to fields
410,5199,580activeadmin_blaze_themeAn ActiveAdmin theme based on Blaze CSS UI toolkit
510,6075,304prawn-htmlHTML to PDF with Prawn PDF
611,2938,325activeadmin_trumbowygAn Active Admin plugin to use Trumbowyg Editor
712,3078,201rails_admin_materialA Material Design theme for rails_admin
813,93512,356prawn-styled-textA Prawn PDF component which adds basic HTML support
914,5369,161activeadmin_froala_editorAn Active Admin plugin to use Froala WYSIWYG editor
1014,93112,006activeadmin_active_resourceAn Active Admin plugin to use Active Resource
1117,00016,519activeadmin_medium_editorAn Active Admin plugin to use Medium Editor
1217,11511,711activeadmin_selectizeAn Active Admin plugin to use Selectize.js (jQuery required)
1320,93230,535administrate_ransackA plugin for Administrate to use Ransack for search filters
1426,11413,910activeadmin_select_manyAn Active Admin plugin which improves one-to-many and many-to-many associations selecti...
1529,86910,739active_storage_dbAn ActiveStorage service plugin to store files in database.
1634,77535,214administrate-bootstrap-themeA Bootstrap theme for Administrate: clean design, easy to install, customizable
1738,12366,923contents_coreA Rails gem which offer a structure to manage contents in a flexible way: blocks with r...
1845,04124,362rails_admin_mydashAn alternative dashboard for rails_admin
1950,41743,406activeadmin_jfu_uploadAn Active Admin plugin to use jQuery-File-Upload component
2061,42535,214activeadmin_materialize_themeA theme for Active Admin based on Materialize framework.
2161,58966,923http-mock-serverA Ruby HTTP Mock Server based on Sinatra
2265,78766,923administrate-materialize-themeA Material Design theme for Administrate using Materialize framework
2381,62766,923editable_componentsUI components editable from the front-end for Rails
2482,51266,923pinfo-railsCommand line utility to collect informations from a Rails project
2582,85617,167tiny_adminA compact and composable dashboard component for Ruby
2685,18724,362sinatra-rest-apiSinatra REST API generator: CRUD actions, nested resources, supports ActiveRecord, Sequ...
2788,81726,806auto-seedingA component to auto generate seed data with ActiveRecord using a set of predefined or c...
2894,77026,806rails_admin_live_editA rails_admin plugin to edit site contents from the frontend
2998,56466,923eventishA simple and composable event library
30104,75426,806rails_admin_extended_fieldsRailsAdminExtendedFields adds more options to rails_admin fields
31125,62566,923database_recorderRecord application queries, verify them against stored queries, and replay them.
32141,25835,214runtime_configA middleware to change configuration parameters at runtime for Rails 5
33141,73835,214repo-compareTrack changes of another repo.
34150,86730,535active_job_storeActiveJob Store permits to store jobs state and custom data on a database
35151,73866,923compact_log_formatterA Compact Log Formatter for Rails
36159,90266,923activeadmin_simple_formAn Active Admin plugin to use Simple Form in place of Formtastic in edit views
37173,70435,214rspec-instrumentationA RSpec instrumentation component
38174,85943,406rails-event-sourcingSetup event sourcing in a Rails application easily
39175,64935,214rubocop-rbsRuboCop cops to check RBS signatures