1 | 34,801 | 35,677 | enum_ish | A ruby and rails extension to generate enum-like methods |
2 | 38,095 | 35,677 | kudzu | A simple web crawler for ruby |
3 | 41,162 | 16,885 | logical_query_parser | A parser to generate a tree structure from a logical query string using treetop. |
4 | 46,097 | 59,086 | mail-jdec | A mail patch for decoding some improper mails |
5 | 50,987 | 24,889 | mail-jenc | A mail patch for encoding conventional mail |
6 | 51,786 | 59,086 | activerecord_nested_scope | An ActiveRecord extension to build nested scopes through pre-defined associations |
7 | 56,162 | 35,677 | delayed_job_master | A simple delayed_job master process to control multiple workers |
8 | 60,410 | 35,677 | coactive | Make classes coactive |
9 | 65,183 | 35,677 | ii_finder | A base finder to support building relations from parameters |
10 | 67,226 | 59,086 | params_keeper_rails | A rails controller extension for keeping specific parameters through links. |
11 | 72,596 | 59,086 | attr_json-associations | An association extension for attr_json |
12 | 72,614 | 28,543 | ii_interactor | A base interactor to support management of bussiness logic |
13 | 73,173 | 35,677 | slonik_migration | A rails migration gem for slony using slonik_execute_script command |
14 | 74,723 | 35,677 | datewari | An ActiveRecord extension to build date oriented pagination links such as monthly pages... |
15 | 88,308 | 35,677 | fiscaly | Financial date class for ruby |
16 | 89,199 | 59,086 | ii_policy | A base policy to support management of authorization logic |
17 | 100,872 | 16,885 | respond_for_helper | A rails helper for responding request format |
18 | 125,021 | 59,086 | kudzu-adapter-active_record | ActiveRecord adapter for kudzu crawler |
19 | 129,755 | 59,086 | mixin_comment | Verification of comments for roughly designed mixin module |
20 | 144,395 | 59,086 | activerecord_scoping_with_assoc | Merge scoping to associations |
21 | 152,341 | 28,543 | delayed_job_bulk | Bulk insert many jobs at once for delayed_job |
22 | 168,358 | 59,086 | tikarb | A simple Apache Tika binding for ruby using rjb. |
23 | 177,918 | 59,086 | delayed_job_json | Migrate handler of text column to json column for delayed_job |
24 | 177,983 | 59,086 | activerecord_dynamic_scope | Handling dynamic scope for ActiveRecord. |
25 | 180,529 | 59,086 | rails_callback_ex | Insert/delete callbacks for rails. |