Kanety's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
134,80135,677enum_ishA ruby and rails extension to generate enum-like methods
238,09535,677kudzuA simple web crawler for ruby
341,16216,885logical_query_parserA parser to generate a tree structure from a logical query string using treetop.
446,09759,086mail-jdecA mail patch for decoding some improper mails
550,98724,889mail-jencA mail patch for encoding conventional mail
651,78659,086activerecord_nested_scopeAn ActiveRecord extension to build nested scopes through pre-defined associations
756,16235,677delayed_job_masterA simple delayed_job master process to control multiple workers
860,41035,677coactiveMake classes coactive
965,18335,677ii_finderA base finder to support building relations from parameters
1067,22659,086params_keeper_railsA rails controller extension for keeping specific parameters through links.
1172,59659,086attr_json-associationsAn association extension for attr_json
1272,61428,543ii_interactorA base interactor to support management of bussiness logic
1373,17335,677slonik_migrationA rails migration gem for slony using slonik_execute_script command
1474,72335,677datewariAn ActiveRecord extension to build date oriented pagination links such as monthly pages...
1588,30835,677fiscalyFinancial date class for ruby
1689,19959,086ii_policyA base policy to support management of authorization logic
17100,87216,885respond_for_helperA rails helper for responding request format
18125,02159,086kudzu-adapter-active_recordActiveRecord adapter for kudzu crawler
19129,75559,086mixin_commentVerification of comments for roughly designed mixin module
20144,39559,086activerecord_scoping_with_assocMerge scoping to associations
21152,34128,543delayed_job_bulkBulk insert many jobs at once for delayed_job
22168,35859,086tikarbA simple Apache Tika binding for ruby using rjb.
23177,91859,086delayed_job_jsonMigrate handler of text column to json column for delayed_job
24177,98359,086activerecord_dynamic_scopeHandling dynamic scope for ActiveRecord.
25180,52959,086rails_callback_exInsert/delete callbacks for rails.