Claudiob's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,2805,426netRetrieves information for Twitter users
26,8757,814bhBh - Bootstrap Helpers
39,1945,179squidSquid expands Prawn providing method to easily draw graphs in PDF files.
49,4594,976yt-supportYt::Support provides common functionality to Yt, Yt::Auth. It is considered suitabl...
526,79133,893rspec-api-matchersRSpec matchers useful to test web APIs.
627,97061,367yt-authYt::Auth makes it easy to authenticate users to any web application by means of the...
728,41841,086yt-coreYoutube V3 API client.
829,15241,086yt-auditA Ruby library you can audit titles or annotations of a Youtube video
931,31161,367rspec-apiWhen you write a web API, you make a promise to the world. RSpec API helps you keep y...
1034,19061,367csswaxerCSS Waxer refactors CSS files bringing the focus on properties, rather than on selector...
1135,85561,367yt-annotationsA Ruby library to retrieve every type of annotation from any YouTube video, includi...
1236,31061,367yt-urlURL Extension for the Yt library.
1337,11521,627rspec-api-expectationsRSpec expectations useful to test web APIs.
1446,21361,367id3_tagsRead and write ID3 metadata from/to MP3 files
1555,08461,367imaginizerCreate an image given a size and optional content
1658,29761,367rspec-api-requestsThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
1763,12461,367starStar provides a File class to write files to S3 as though they were local files, an...
1865,19125,716neverfailsWith neverfails, step definitions do not simply check whether the existing code satifie...
1969,05961,367elegantElegant expands Prawn providing a new class to generate new pages with an elegant layout.
2071,12561,367googolGoogle + Youtube V3 API client.
2174,05061,367css_parser_1.1.0A set of classes for parsing CSS in Ruby.
2275,37441,086autoscaleCurrently provides a Sidekiq middleware that does 0/1 scaling of Heroku processes
2375,97225,716nicoCampfire Bot
2482,38441,086broWrite a longer description. Optional.
2589,89841,086mime_typeReturns the MIME type of a local file
2690,13361,367tarzanStep-by-step tutorial to modular games in Ruby
2792,78161,367radiotagmapRadiotagmap reads from the songs that are currently playing in FM radios, then ...
2896,12061,367camouflageDisguise an image by applying graphical effects
29105,71961,367rexyRexy makes shit happen
30110,12461,367how_manyRetrieve analytics data for YouTube channels.
31117,53161,367claudiob-lastfmA ruby interface for web services version 2.0
32117,91561,367img-kitUses wkhtmltoimage to create Images using HTML
33118,05461,367actionformAn alternative layer to accepts_nested_attributes_for by using Form Models.
34118,07761,367echonestA ruby ribrary for accessing the echonest api
36120,81761,367yesradioYesRadio makes available as a ruby gem the method exposed by API to retrieve so...
37121,77261,367tmp_fileYields a temporary file with given data and MIME type
38123,52261,367gpWrite a longer description. Optional.
39128,43741,086optimalCampfire Bot
40128,76141,086optimizerCampfire Bot
41130,09661,367brBootstrap Helpers
42130,15561,367viWrite a longer description. Optional.
43131,13641,086colorartRenders a nice HTML page from the cover art of a song
44133,20461,367dumb_authProvides two routes (POST login, DELETE logout) and a controller method/helper logged_in?
45136,36861,367aremLike Arel. Without the database. With a remote API.
46136,43461,367trWrite a longer description. Optional.
47137,00561,367unite_parserParse the analytics file from Unite for Adtag
48137,04141,086nadiaCampfire Bot
49137,64561,367kingWho is this king? I am.
50137,98661,367becomesWrite a longer description. Optional.
51138,10561,367bonusWrite a longer description. Optional.
52138,23061,367youWrite a longer description. Optional.
53138,24961,367keithKeith makes shit happen
54138,34661,367facWrite a longer description. Optional.
55139,04261,367shitProvides for your sh*t needs
56140,39061,367hazerEncrypt and decrypt an integer
57141,73661,367fullscreenCampfire Bot
58142,38661,367dwightWrite a longer description. Optional.
59142,59261,367vmVimeo API client.
60142,80441,086neilCampfire Bot
61143,25061,367dougWrite a longer description. Optional.
62143,25061,367rspec_apiAre you looking for rspec-api?
63143,77133,893nanaCampfire Bot
64143,93361,367diesisWrite a longer description. Optional.
65144,09141,086nicoleCampfire Bot
66144,66341,086nealCampfire Bot
67144,72061,367yt-dataWrite a longer description. Optional.
68144,74061,367yt-analyticsWrite a longer description. Optional.
69145,01741,086nickCampfire Bot
70145,21741,086saWrite a longer description. Optional.
71145,66161,367yt-live-streamingWrite a longer description. Optional.
72145,99961,367fkWrite a longer description. Optional.
73146,19261,367yt-content-idWrite a longer description. Optional.
74146,28761,367clamPrawn evolved
75146,74361,367insWrite a longer description. Optional.
76146,86961,367igWrite a longer description. Optional.
77146,88961,367teWrite a longer description. Optional.
78146,99361,367vinWrite a longer description. Optional.
79147,32241,086pizzaWrite a longer description. Optional.
80147,49061,367liWrite a longer description. Optional.
81147,76461,367twiWrite a longer description. Optional.
82147,76461,367jeremyWrite a longer description. Optional.
83147,92861,367snapchatWrite a longer description. Optional.
84148,67161,367rebootWrite a longer description. Optional.
85149,49961,367tumWrite a longer description. Optional.
86150,30541,086tlWrite a longer description. Optional.
87150,97361,367snaWrite a longer description. Optional.
88151,28741,086pnWrite a longer description. Optional.
89151,37561,367intimalWrite a longer description. Optional.
90151,66261,367snWrite a longer description. Optional.
91151,87961,367strokeWrite a longer description. Optional.
92154,07961,367dhh:dhh: :dhh: :dhh:
93155,45861,367printablePrawn evolved
94155,79361,367key:key: :key: :key:
95156,04161,367fashion:fashion: :fashion: :fashion:
96156,14161,367tycoon:tycoon: :tycoon: :tycoon:
97156,38961,367dmDailyMotion + DailyMotion V3 API client.
98157,73241,086lsLife Storage.
99157,91561,367rspec-api-documentationGenerate API docs from your test suite
100158,53733,893mvp:mvp: :mvp: :mvp:
101162,86161,367iifClone of riif gem with latest updates
102162,93161,367vidWrite a longer description or delete this line.
103166,7576,012vngA Ruby client for the Vonigo API.
104167,52941,086mdmaSuper Pretty Print
105171,51861,367juceA set of Ruby helpers to import and export data coming from apps built with JUCE (h...
106172,81861,367rspec-resourceRSpec Api explanded.
107181,40861,367alleyAlley makes it easy to interact with Shortcut V3 API by providing a modular, intuit...
108181,78561,367vonigoInteract with Vonigo API though modular and tested Ruby code.
109181,83061,367service_minderInteract with ServiceMinder API though modular and tested Ruby code.
110181,85025,716stnA Ruby client for the ServiceTitan API.
111182,19061,367dry-transaction-extraaaDry::Transaction comes with a limited set of steps. This gem defines a few more steps...
112183,25061,367stxStax API client.