1 | 18,774 | 18,833 | rails-exporter | Rails Exporter (CSV, XML, XLS) |
2 | 28,439 | 15,804 | visual_condition_builder | A great and easy visual condition builder to your rails project |
3 | 32,057 | 42,025 | rails-importer | Rails Importer (CSV, XLS, XML) |
4 | 52,345 | 53,556 | dfe-taxweb | Biblioteca Documento Fiscal TaxWeb. Conversão de NFe para DFe-TaxWeb |
5 | 84,369 | 35,920 | simple-navigation-acl | Great and easy way to control ACL with simple-navigation in your Rails project |
6 | 128,763 | 86,038 | page_stack | This GEM make easy the navigation with stacked pages |
7 | 160,576 | 86,038 | floating_action | Possibilita aplicar ações como barra flutuante anexa a um container |