1 | 22,302 | 46,777 | lita-puppet | Some basic Puppet interactions for Lita |
2 | 28,532 | 46,777 | lita-activedirectory | ldap/active directory instructions for Lita |
3 | 39,057 | 18,933 | authify-api | Authify API Server library |
4 | 40,596 | 18,933 | cratus | The Ruby tool for auditing and reporting on user permissions based on groups |
5 | 48,162 | 117,678 | lita-openvpnas | Some basic OpenVPN Access Server interactions for Lita |
6 | 54,340 | 23,947 | authify-core | Authify Core library |
7 | 59,644 | 26,251 | authify-middleware | Authify Middleware library |
8 | 94,737 | 68,530 | off_the_grid | The Ruby library for interacting with Son of Grid Engine |
9 | 111,473 | 117,678 | lita-sensu2 | Lita plugin to interact with sensu |
10 | 118,222 | 58,846 | animal | Animal Puppet External Node Classifier |
11 | 121,182 | 58,846 | authify | Authify Identity Management Service |
12 | 128,227 | 117,678 | knuverse-knufactor | KnuVerse Knufactor Ruby SDK |
13 | 131,277 | 117,678 | lita-who_has | A more generic lita-envy for who owns things via lita |
14 | 157,983 | 77,965 | antaeus-sdk | The Ruby SDK for the Antaeus Guest Management SDK |