Cilim's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,1675,206doxGenerates API documentation for rspec in OpenAPI format.
317,17131,663mina-infinumCollection of mina plugins we use in infinum
417,34953,556stormpath-sdkStormpath SDK used to interact with the Stormpath REST API
520,52586,038stormpath-railsStormpath Rails integration
641,65426,609rubocop-infinumAutomatic Infinum code style checking tool.
778,16526,609infinum_setupThis script will help you bootstrap your shiny new laptop
889,91486,038omniauth-infinum_idWrite a longer description or delete this line.
9108,33686,038array_validatorArray validations for Rails (e.g. Postgres jsonb columns)
10116,06242,025omniauth-infinum_azureGem that contains OAuth2 strategies for Infinum, such as Infinum Azure AD
11118,17618,833infinum_azureAuthentication mechanism for Rails apps with devise via OAuth2
12174,84431,663polariscopeCalculate the health score of a Ruby application based on the state of its dependencies