Lululau's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
115,23517,852arqlUse ActiveRecord and Pry as your favorite SQL query editor.
239,66116,361jenkins-builderBuild Jenkins Jobs
361,97553,556alyA simple wrapper for aliyun cli
468,01786,038prizeSimple Redis CLI client with pry loaded
582,20186,038bsclientRegister bs account
683,92224,968maprenameSimple file rename utils
7110,77642,025crudboyCRUD code generator using Rails ActiveRecord
8115,38886,038evernote2orgConvert Evernote exported .enex files to org-mode.
9124,28842,025ktctUtilities for crypto things
10145,65486,038sqlcomposerCompose SQL from Mybatis log
11146,93153,556mfdThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
12151,05542,025mkwebookA tool to download web pages and convert them to Calibre ready.
13158,23486,038caseconvConvert string case between lower, upper, cammel, snake, kebab cases.
14160,11186,038spring_routesParse and print routes of spring mvc app from spring log
15169,60786,038pry-helperPry helpers
16172,56586,038zconvConvert file name encoding fo zip entry
17176,48986,038copilot2gptProxy Copilot API to GPT-4 API