1 | 15,235 | 17,852 | arql | Use ActiveRecord and Pry as your favorite SQL query editor. |
2 | 39,661 | 16,361 | jenkins-builder | Build Jenkins Jobs |
3 | 61,975 | 53,556 | aly | A simple wrapper for aliyun cli |
4 | 68,017 | 86,038 | prize | Simple Redis CLI client with pry loaded |
5 | 82,201 | 86,038 | bsclient | Register bs account |
6 | 83,922 | 24,968 | maprename | Simple file rename utils |
7 | 110,776 | 42,025 | crudboy | CRUD code generator using Rails ActiveRecord |
8 | 115,388 | 86,038 | evernote2org | Convert Evernote exported .enex files to org-mode. |
9 | 124,288 | 42,025 | ktct | Utilities for crypto things |
10 | 145,654 | 86,038 | sqlcomposer | Compose SQL from Mybatis log |
11 | 146,931 | 53,556 | mfd | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
12 | 151,055 | 42,025 | mkwebook | A tool to download web pages and convert them to Calibre ready. |
13 | 158,234 | 86,038 | caseconv | Convert string case between lower, upper, cammel, snake, kebab cases. |
14 | 160,111 | 86,038 | spring_routes | Parse and print routes of spring mvc app from spring log |
15 | 169,607 | 86,038 | pry-helper | Pry helpers |
16 | 172,565 | 86,038 | zconv | Convert file name encoding fo zip entry |
17 | 176,489 | 86,038 | copilot2gpt | Proxy Copilot API to GPT-4 API |