Composerinteralia's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1149171factory_botfactory_bot provides a framework and DSL for defining and using factories - less error-...
2183195factory_bot_railsfactory_bot_rails provides integration between factory_bot and rails 5.0 or newer
32,2451,544email_reply_parserEmailReplyParser is a small library to parse plain text email content. This is what Git...
44,1613,330rubocop-githubCode style checking for GitHub Ruby repositories
54,1854,561clearanceClearance is built to support authentication and authorization via an email/passwor...
64,5331,958trilogyA friendly MySQL-compatible library for Ruby, binding to libtrilogy
75,9106,557fake_stripeAn implementation of the Stripe credit card processing service to run during your integ...
87,1319,946suspendersSuspenders is a Rails plugin containing generators for configuring Rails applications. ...
912,3796,298activerecord-trilogy-adapterActive Record adapter for
10128,665110,648not_nowRun code later
11160,972110,648maybe_notMaybe a little Maybe monad
12161,227110,648time_outNon-blocking set_timeout and set_interval
13162,127110,648larisLaris is a rails-inspired web application framework.
14166,018110,648trilogy_adapterWrite a longer description or delete this line.
15176,435110,648factory_bot_profileProfiling for factory_bot