1 | 8,952 | 46,777 | scraped | Write declarative scrapers in Ruby |
2 | 10,791 | 30,896 | everypolitician-popolo | Makes it easy to work with EveryPolitician's Popolo output files from Ruby |
3 | 14,330 | 77,965 | facebook_username_extractor | Tidy up the various forms of Facebook urls |
4 | 22,014 | 117,678 | twitter_username_extractor | Extract Twitter usernames in various formats from strings, URLs and mentions |
5 | 43,361 | 22,633 | everypolitician | Interface with EveryPolitician data from your Ruby app |
6 | 44,609 | 97,080 | scraped_page_archive | Archives a copy of scraped web pages into a git branch |
7 | 70,003 | 58,846 | mediawiki-page-replaceable_content | Rewrite content after a template tag based on the template parameters |
8 | 105,114 | 68,530 | everypolitician-pull_request | Produces a summary of EveryPolitician data pull requests |
9 | 135,929 | 53,263 | commons-integrity | Check the integrity of Democratic Commons data |
10 | 165,212 | 97,080 | everypolitician-daff | Diff and patch tables |