Picat's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17,7354,976command_lionCommand-line application framework.
27,9684,987flareonA cloudflare DNS resolver client library.
335,83841,086shodanzFeaturing full support for the REST, Streaming and Exploits API
453,14625,716nmap2jsonConvert's nmap's XML output to JSON. Or pretty much any XML input as JSON output.
562,78761,367vmstatorVmstator is a Ruby API for vmstat to monitor virtual memory statistics. It provides an ...
663,56829,456interfacezSimplified network interface API
768,32661,367eth_watcherA threaded command-line application to monitor network packets for hardware addresses i...
869,86941,086violent_rubyViolent Ruby is a collection of tools for Hackers, Forensic Analysts, Penetration Teste...
974,40729,456chart_jsA simple ruby DSL to build responive charts for the web using Chart.js
1080,62961,367falconzFalcon Malware Sandbox APIv2 Connector
1198,43061,367secure_hasherUnder the hood, Secure Hasher is quite obviously flawed relying on an old school unix-s...
1299,88261,367vifiA simple wifi signal strength monitoring application for macOS.
13103,82261,367iptablezA friendly Ruby API to iptables.
14104,51461,367goffirAn example Ruby gem with a Go extension.
15107,16725,716pcap2jsonConvert packets to json from a file or a live network interface.
16107,92161,367whereisthisA command-line application to help determine the location information from a given ip a...
17110,02261,367resquireReduce your redundant gem depenencies with resquire, which figures out which gems are r...
18111,59629,456packet_headStreaming packet header types to the command-line.
19113,28261,367is_availableSimply check if a domain has been registered ( or if it is resolvable ) to determine if...
20122,76161,367bilboYou never know when you're going need a simple, hobbit-like ( small ) network packet bu...
21126,83761,367randomuaA command-line application to generate random user agent strings. Acting as a command-l...
22131,47833,893ocarina_of_timeThe Ocarina of Time is a ruby gem to manage timelines through a simple API to contrsuct...
23138,98861,367ip2asnIP address to ASN library using iptoasn.com
24141,55533,893pcapzPure ruby packet capturing API
25157,63561,367capraIntrusion detection system.
26159,55316,657pi_chartsA ruby gem to easily build beautiful charts using chartjs. If you like charts, ruby, an...
27160,84661,367fliprA simple, configurable flip table / put table command-line application with optional ra...
28161,77961,367willow_runWillow Run is a Ruby API to the macOS/OSX airport command providing various wireless ut...
29163,35041,086logorisLogoris a Ruby gem that provides a simple, unified interface to manage logging for comm...
30164,40041,086nmaprYour friendly neighborhood Ruby DSL to Nmap for network explortation.
31164,48661,367hyper_threadHyper Thread is simple, flexible thread pool library for Ruby.
32165,18561,367evil_clipboardAn evil clipboard.
33166,11861,367huntrA simple reconnaissance command-line application.
34168,23261,367slipstreamSimple API for IPC (inter-process communication) IO pipes.
35169,72941,086lone_wolfBackground worker process API
36172,21841,086packet_genieMagically streaming live packet captures with a simple REST API