Msimonborg's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,6196,330allowableFilter hash keys based on allowed and forbidden values.
226,46858,438lazy_recordAdd some convenience macros for your POROs that cut down on boilerplate code. Method de...
328,87058,438get_your_repGet your rep(s) from Google's Civic Information API and Open States. Formerly get-your-...
433,07058,438pyrWraps the Phone Your Rep API up with an idiomatic Ruby bow. Easily construct requests w...
536,58758,438get-your-repRenamed get_your_rep. Reversioned. Big changes to API and extensibility, documentation ...
642,17958,438twordsTwitter word clouds. Analyse the frequency of word occurrences for a user or list of us...
742,37158,438governatorScraper for data on US Governors
844,81958,438jbuilder-jpartialSimple DSL for faster partial rendering with Jbuilder
949,49558,438trumpcare_trackerTrack the Twitter mentions of Trumpcare by Democratic US Senators
1058,09258,438forbidiumFilter hash keys based on allowed and forbidden values. Renamed "Allowable".