Xorgnak's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1143,13861,367gnu-remindA wrapper around gnu remind leveraging ics files via url or locally.
2156,67861,367z4dbA simple wrapper for databases as objects.
3159,77961,367z4appThe z4 micro-web-app framework.
4161,73661,367z4brokerThe z4 wrapper around the paho mqtt client and mosquitto broker.
5166,93841,086z4blockchainThe z4 blockchain.
6170,56318,157meiouA wrapper for for wikipedia entries, curated txt files, and other sources of knowledge.
7175,33161,367z4boxTools to interact with the host system and other z4 instances.
8177,18561,367z4botThe z4 discord server management and user interaction bot framework.
9177,24561,367z4gridA COPY of the original 'maidenhead' gem. wrapped for usage.
10179,48161,367iwwA helpful ruby library to do union division lookups by job, number, or description.
11179,63961,367z4aiSimple utilities to interact with large language models.
12179,77041,086cardtrickGenerate and handle deck(s) of cards.
13180,26333,893maidenA simple republishing of a gps / maidenhead gridsquare converter with a few additions.
14180,47861,367llamafileWraps a locally installed llamafile in an a pure ruby object.
15182,20561,367fortunecookieA simple ruby wrapper around gnu fortune.
16182,23061,367valkey-objectsA ruby valkey client inspired by the redis-objects gem.