Atomicjolt's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,84910,325omniauth-canvasOmniAuth Oauth2 strategy for Instructure Canvas.
214,22823,838lms-apiWrapper for the Instructure Canvas API
327,00351,220lms-graphql-apiGraphQL wrapper for the Instructure Canvas API
441,40729,512senkyoshiCommandline tool for converting blackboard to canvas
551,75551,220apartment-activejob-queEnable ActiveJob to work with Apartment multi-tenancy with Que support
654,99351,220canvas_qti_to_learnosity_converterConverts canvas qti to learnosity JSON
755,61451,220nuclear_secretsRails secrets checker
866,22251,220etherpad_canvasEnable secure sign-in with Etherpad collaborations tool.
968,85929,512quiz_proctor_engineAllows students to take canvas quizzes in a chromeless view, as well as allow proctors ...
1073,93423,838aj-ims-ltiRuby library for creating IMS LTI tool providers and consumers
1176,4948,891atomic_ltiAtomicLti implements the LTI Advantage specification. This gem does contain source code...
1281,14851,220word_2_quizRead in word doc quizzes and return a hash of questions with answers
13110,35629,512senkyoshi_canvas_pluginSenkyoshi Blackboard importer
14139,57351,220atomic_tenantDescription of AtomicTenant.
15151,14223,838atomic_lti_1v1Rack middleware to handle validating Lti 1.1 requests
16157,57413,443atomic_adminEngine to provide apis that power the atomic jolt admin app
17159,31751,220canvas_fakerAtomic Jolt found that we frequently needed to setup courses with users to test. This g...
18163,60851,220scryCommandline tool that downloads blackboard cartridges
19165,08229,512omniauth-qualtricsOmniAuth Oauth2 strategy for Qualtrics.