Xiongchiamiov's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
151,06638,970lastfm-tailA small script, inspired by the Unix tail utility, for viewing recently-scrobbled track...
267,16038,970erasmusA simple, modular irc bot/framework
397,61738,970lastfm-topA small script to view top artists, albums and tracks of a Last.fm user.
4118,94138,970limgurCLI to Imgur, letting you upload and delete images. If you've got scrot installed, you...
5123,23138,970englifyTurn moonruned artist names into Romanized alternatives.
6123,24538,970git-swear-statsGather statistics on swearing in a repo.
7125,64838,970sleeping-wolfA synchronizer for gh-issues and ticgit.
8132,45338,970nice-sigintMake Ruby handle SIGINTs in a less-ugly manner.
9136,84138,970motd-creatorCreate a nice MOTD, complete with ASCII-art, witty quote, and fancy border.
10142,18238,970osx-useradduseradd is a pretty cool tool. Unfortunately, Apple didn't think so. This is an attemp...