1 | 8,230 | 9,788 | fastlane-plugin-git_tags | List git tags sorted by taggerdate |
2 | 9,044 | 51,220 | fastlane-plugin-google_cloud_storage | Google Cloud Storage |
3 | 13,623 | 16,557 | fastlane-plugin-s3_actions | Download and upload files to AWS S3 |
4 | 24,151 | 51,220 | fastlane-plugin-changelog_generator | Changelog generation based on merged pull requests & tags |
5 | 44,569 | 51,220 | fastlane-plugin-xcpretty_report | Generate xcodebuild reports using xcpretty |
6 | 90,547 | 51,220 | fastlane-plugin-build_cache | Helper for caching builds when using 'build for testing' & 'test without building' |