1 | 21,699 | 10,140 | mongocore | Does validations, associations, scopes, filters, pagination, counter cache, request cac... |
2 | 25,511 | 61,367 | asset | The only thing you need for your assets. |
3 | 49,082 | 61,367 | convert | Easily convert any string and replace with links and embedded content from a long list ... |
4 | 56,169 | 61,367 | easymongo | The way MongoDB for Ruby should be, can't get easier than this |
5 | 60,445 | 61,367 | fuprint | Rack middleware that prints information about your request to console in development. |
6 | 72,102 | 61,367 | futest | Program your tests as normal scripts without dependencies, mocks, stubs and rules. |
7 | 75,894 | 61,367 | pushfile | Upload files to Rackspace Cloud or Amazon S3 by URL or file with automatic image resizing. |
8 | 79,226 | 61,367 | susana | Light weight and fast web application framework. Everything you need to build apps and ... |
9 | 82,615 | 23,402 | minimongo | Helpers that sits right on top of mongodb with a nicer syntax. Only 6 lines of code. |
10 | 109,254 | 29,456 | modelize | Automatically turn MongoDB BSON Documents into custom models |
11 | 127,325 | 61,367 | flatspace | These helpers make it easy to make apps with Sinatra or other Rack based frameworks |
12 | 133,792 | 61,367 | hashd | Give any hash dot syntax. Supports nested properties, mutates original hash. |