Fugroup's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
121,67042,025mongocoreDoes validations, associations, scopes, filters, pagination, counter cache, request cac...
225,47242,025assetThe only thing you need for your assets.
349,04253,556convertEasily convert any string and replace with links and embedded content from a long list ...
456,14386,038easymongoThe way MongoDB for Ruby should be, can't get easier than this
560,41653,556fuprintRack middleware that prints information about your request to console in development.
672,07453,556futestProgram your tests as normal scripts without dependencies, mocks, stubs and rules.
775,87586,038pushfileUpload files to Rackspace Cloud or Amazon S3 by URL or file with automatic image resizing.
879,15986,038susanaLight weight and fast web application framework. Everything you need to build apps and ...
982,59653,556minimongoHelpers that sits right on top of mongodb with a nicer syntax. Only 6 lines of code.
10109,22486,038modelizeAutomatically turn MongoDB BSON Documents into custom models
11127,32486,038flatspaceThese helpers make it easy to make apps with Sinatra or other Rack based frameworks
12133,80342,025hashdGive any hash dot syntax. Supports nested properties, mutates original hash.