Aq1018's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,6172,912mongoid-historyThis library tracks historical changes for any document, including embedded ones. It ac...
26,2719,004active_model-better_errorsAPI consumable error messages with ActiveModel::Errors drop-in compatibility.
321,22442,025mongoid_taggable_with_contextAdd multiple tag fields on Mongoid documents with aggregation capability.
429,37486,038paperclip-dimensionA simple plugin to persist image dimensions.
541,72853,556gatewayOpinionated Generic IO Connection Manager
642,97353,556gateway-httpGateway wrapper client for Net::HTTP
749,26553,556dm-is-slugDataMapper plugin that generates unique slugs
852,04853,556api-fairyapi-fairy is a Rack Middleware that magically speeds up your slow backend services just...
956,01853,556ez_configez_config loads yml files from specified path and allows you to easily access your conf...
1058,45653,556aq1018-searchlogicSearchlogic makes using ActiveRecord named scopes easier and less repetitive.
1162,69035,920resource_poolA gem for generic connection pooling / resource pooling. The code is mostly taken from ...
1272,92986,038gateway-memcacheGateway wrapper for memcache-client
1374,16486,038capistrano-tarballDeploy your apps via tarball instead of scm
1477,37086,038mongoid_paperclip_image_dimensionA simple plugin to persist image dimensions into mongoid document.
1577,97686,038aq1018-rforceRather than enforcing adherence to the schema, RForce assumes you are famili...
1679,08786,038aq1018-sunspot_mongoidA Sunspot wrapper for Mongoid that is like sunspot_rails.
1786,73886,038rack-session-cookie_storea better cookie session store for rack.
1892,63542,025lwes_pureThe original lwes gem is a thin wrapper around the c library, and does not handle data ...
1994,90386,038gateway-cassandra-cqlGateway adapter for cassandra-cql. Very experiemental.
20133,32153,556ruvbinding to libuv
21143,11586,038capistrano-taillogCapistrano plugin to allow tailing remote logs.