Giginet's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1249285fastlaneThe easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps
22,0831,807xcresultParses xcresult files for viewing test summaries and code coverages
39,77219,101xcprofilerxcprofiler parses activity logs generated by Xcode and reports build time of Swift proj...
421,57233,893danger-xcprofilerdanger plugin for asserting Swift compilation time.
590,58961,367fastlane-plugin-influxdbPost values to InfluxDB
6131,44461,367xctrackerxctracker parses activity logs generated by Xcode and reports build time of Swift projects
7175,16133,893daifukuDaifuku is a markdown parser and compiler for log definitions in mobile applications. I...