1 | 29,327 | 53,556 | bip44 | A ruby library to generate Ethereum addresses from a hierarchical deterministic wallet ... |
2 | 31,589 | 53,556 | scale.rb | Ruby implementation of the parity SCALE data format |
3 | 49,570 | 53,556 | etherscan | etherscan.io API wrapper, or, etherscan compatible API wrapper |
4 | 54,937 | 86,038 | substrate_common.rb | Common utilities and libraries for substrate in ruby |
5 | 64,737 | 86,038 | sbs | A better cli tool for substrate development |
6 | 68,179 | 53,556 | okcoin | A ruby wrapper for okcoin.cn |
7 | 68,618 | 53,556 | substrate_client.rb | Ruby Substrate RPC Client |
8 | 80,758 | 24,968 | blake2b_rs | A ruby blake2b gem which using rust blake2 crate |
9 | 85,003 | 28,793 | ethereum_bip44 | A ruby library to generate Ethereum addresses from a hierarchical deterministic wallet ... |
10 | 86,383 | 86,038 | scale_rb | This gem includes a ruby implementation of SCALE Codec, a general Substrate Http JSONRP... |
11 | 131,328 | 17,444 | abi_coder_rb | An EVM ABI encoding and decoding tool |
12 | 137,216 | 86,038 | eth_tool | my eth tool |
13 | 143,785 | 53,556 | mnam | An MNAM bridge for Ruby. |
14 | 165,365 | 53,556 | infura | An infura.io api wrapper |
15 | 172,439 | 86,038 | substrate-nft-tracker | A substrate nft tracker using scale.rb |
16 | 172,485 | 86,038 | substrate_client | Ruby Substrate RPC Client |
17 | 176,923 | 86,038 | schnorrkel_rb | A Ruby wrapper to the Rust schnorrkel SR25519 signature library. |
18 | 180,237 | 86,038 | throttled_json_rpc_client | throttled_json_rpc_client |
19 | 180,815 | 53,556 | imt_rb | Incremental Merkle Tree in Ruby |