Atimberlake's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
124,51653,556cascadeThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
239,99086,038mongomapper_pluginsA repository of MongoMapper plugins.
344,19286,038awsumA library for working with Amazon Web Services in the most natural rubyish way
447,81024,968map_fieldsRails plugin to allow a user to map the fields of a CSV to an expected list of fields
550,18886,038autospec.watchrIntelligently runs your specs as you edit files.
651,73253,556cssParse, create and work with CSS files.
752,49328,793hamljsCompiles HAML templates for use in JST templating systems
875,24986,038andrewtimberlake-delayed_jobDelayed_job (or DJ) encapsulates the common pattern of asynchronously executing longer ...
976,66686,038andrewtimberlake-interactive_editorUse vim (or any other text editor) from inside irb to quickly test & write new code.
10105,39786,038delayed_job_mongo_mapperMongoMapper backend for delayed_job
11120,95786,038proceduralA way to manage functions, triggers and stored procedures with ActiveRecord
12155,99353,556schematixKeep a database in sync with automatic schema migrations