1 | 16,977 | 7,564 | memoist3 | memoize methods invocation |
2 | 61,307 | 20,248 | omniauth-seznam-cz | A Seznam.cz strategy for OmniAuth. This allows you to login via Seznam.cz with your rub... |
3 | 77,738 | 40,267 | omniauth-cz-shop-platforms | This allows you to login via multiple Czech e-commerce platforms with your ruby app. |
4 | 87,041 | 84,493 | rails-i18n-check | A simple checker for missing translations in rails i18n config files. |
5 | 90,481 | 147,291 | cardinity | Wrapper for Cardinity's HTTP payment API. |
6 | 93,412 | 37,465 | rails_bootstrap_error_renderer | Simple renderer to display errors in Bootstrap styled Rails forms. |
7 | 101,365 | 37,465 | pipedrive_api_rb | Pipedrive.com API Wrapper |
8 | 180,779 | 60,549 | honzasterba_xgb | High performance gradient boosting for Ruby |