Jonhue's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,0885,604acts_as_favoritoracts_as_favoritor is a Rubygem to allow any ActiveRecord model to associate any other m...
214,51925,458omniauth-paypal-oauth2A PayPal OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth
315,52910,434notification-handlerCreate and modify your notifications through a simple API.
416,73314,438notification-pusherDeliver your notifications to various services.
518,19114,438notification-rendererRender your notifications in various contexts.
619,08515,400notification-settingsIntegrates with your authentication solution to craft a personalized user notification ...
719,48415,400notifications-railsnotifications-rails is the most powerful notification library for Rails. It offers not ...
820,15941,916notification-pusher-actionmailerA delivery method to send your notifications via email using ActionMailer.
923,89441,916mygThe opinionated & modular state-of-the-web framework Myg integrated with Ruby on Rails.
1025,42519,893nestive-railsA Better Nested Inheritable Layouts Plugin for Rails 5
1127,64863,432notification-pusher-onesignalA delivery method to send your notifications to devices on all platforms with OneSignal.
1229,93663,432mozaicMozaic is an opinionated layout engine for Rails. It simplifies handling numerous layou...
1332,69363,432amp-htmlamp-html is a universal solution to integrate the AMP Project (Accelerated Mobile Pages...
1432,87363,432notification-pusher-actioncableA pusher to serve your notifications through WebSockets wit ActionCable.
1533,50541,916devise-onesignalImplement user targeted cross-platform notifications with OneSignal & Devise in you...
1636,75911,877pwaAdd a service worker and a manifest to your app, for it to be recognized as a PWA and a...
1739,97763,432turbolinks-animateA dead simple & powerful way of adding rich & adaptive animations to your Rails app whi...
1843,53663,432material-components-webProvides a set of helpers simplifying the use of the Material Components Web library.
1946,60363,432modalistModalist is a powerful & lightweight (not necessarily but primarily ajaxified) modal pl...
2056,66563,432nativeBuild native apps for all major platforms from your Rails applications.
2161,98963,432acts_as_belongableacts_as_belongable is a Rubygem that provides an associations engine for Rails apps. It...
2266,90318,158search-engine-optimizationAdvanced SEO for Rails apps with schema tags.
2369,79316,639sandboxySandboxy allows you to use virtualdata-oriented environments inside a Railsapplication ...
2475,23063,432cancancan-systemConventions & helpers simplifying the use of CanCanCan in complex Rails applications.
2580,72563,432avatariAdd avatars to ActiveRecord models.
2686,43363,432onsignalOneSignal API wrapper simplifying user targeted cross platform notifications.
2790,59925,458r404Error handler & renderer for Rails
2894,63163,432nativegapBuild native apps for all major platforms from your Rails applications.
2999,38463,432carrierwave-delayWith carrierwave-delay you can offload version processing of your Carrierwave uploaders...
30102,45663,432usernameUsernames for ActiveRecord models.
31121,41841,916randomize_idRandomize the `id` attribute of ActiveRecord objects.
32142,27363,432ledermann-rails-settings-updateSimplifying updating settings from controllers.
33150,59463,432themerAdd support for multiple color themes in your Rails app. Themer uses CSS variables to m...
34160,83463,432ahoy-viewsTrack views of ActiveRecord objects in Rails.
35167,24563,432omniauth-slooobSlooob OAuth2 Strategy for OmniAuth. Built on Slooob Identity API v1.