1 | 13,944 | 14,953 | teamcity_formatter | Render cucumber test output in a format consumable by TeamCity |
2 | 15,908 | 28,543 | neuron-client | Neuron Admin Client Gem |
3 | 49,240 | 59,086 | json_key_transformer_middleware | Incoming JSON keys are transformed from camelCase to snake_case. Outgoing JSON keys are... |
4 | 87,104 | 59,086 | ui_interactors | ui_interactors makes it simple to write automated browser tests using selenium-webdrive... |
5 | 95,377 | 59,086 | interactor_ui_automation | Write selenium-webdriver browser automation using a series of conventions. |
6 | 99,142 | 59,086 | hash_key_transformer | hash_key_transformer makes it easy to deeply transform a JSON-like data structure from ... |
7 | 112,250 | 59,086 | controller_commands | A Rails controller concern which makes it easy to encapsulate validation and processing... |
8 | 113,408 | 59,086 | api_controller_helpers | Controller helper methods useful for building Rails JSON-based APIs. |