Localshred's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,9623,372protobufGoogle Protocol Buffers serialization and RPC implementation for Ruby.
26,9268,264nsaListen to your Rails ActiveSupport::Notifications and deliver to a Statsd compatible ba...
38,90728,793active_remoteActive Remote provides Active Record-like object-relational mapping over RPC. It was wr...
412,64853,556protobuf-activerecordProvides the ability to create Active Record objects from Protocol Buffer messages and ...
513,63911,450resque-remoteCompatible with Resque 1.x. Use Resque.push if you are using >= 2.x. Resque is great. ...
616,52453,556protobuf-rspecProtobuf RSpec helpers for testing services and clients. Meant to be used with the prot...
726,39414,136eventuallyEventually is an event library built to loosely mirror the NodeJS EventEmitter API.
831,73453,556csdlCSDL is a gem for producing Abstract Syntax Trees for the [DataSift CSDL Filter Languag...
932,84119,470fireboltSimple little cache warmer.
1039,53686,038ragnarProvide top-level pub/sub methods with RabbitMQ (AMQP) for interacting with a larger se...
1150,29386,038utilioA general collection of application utilities for dealing with paths and active_record ...
1255,83786,038miniyardA static html framebuilder to host multiple documentation folders
1357,20686,038simplecov-multiProvide a simple formatter which contains multiple formatters. Similar to the explanati...
1460,94986,038simplecov-textSimpleCov Text Formatter
1596,03286,038skeletalA gem to handle generating application structures for non-rails applications. Currently...
16109,37886,038mmx_buildBuild scripts for all supported MoneyMobileX platforms
17130,09686,038nuid-sdkSDK for interacting with NuID APIs in Ruby
18167,83653,556md-roadieRoadie tries to make sending HTML emails a little less painful in Rails 3 by inlining s...