#11's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,52110,261arturoDeploy features incrementally to your users
213,21761,367rspec-spiestest spies, for rspec
320,00333,893basecampBasecamp API wrapper.
423,40216,657xebecHelpers for generating navigation bars
557,80061,367constellationLoad configuration settings from ENV, dotfiles, and gems
662,57961,367casrack_the_authenticatorCAS Authentication via Rack Middleware
774,06561,367title_estuaryTitle Estuary speeds up development by giving you good default titles and simple custom...
884,34061,367billfoldIdentity Management with OmniAuth
9101,17061,367wantsParse and query the HTTP Accept header
10118,88161,367resolvedA place to discuss ideas, wrapped up as a Rails engine
11122,54161,367ahabRuby client for the AHAB asset packaging system.
12139,66441,086multi_tomlA gem to provide easy switching between different TOML backends, including toml, toml-r...