Lctseng's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
136,29719,502tamashii-agentThe agent module for RubyConfTW checkin system.
247,64557,505tamashii-managerThe IoT device manager for RubyConf checkin system.
354,22130,732tamashiiThe WebSocket framework implement inspired by ActionCable
475,45957,505tamashii-commonThe shared module for RubyConfTW checkin system.
599,38557,505tamashii-clientThe WebSocket client of Tamashii framework
6135,37457,505tamashii-mfrc522MFRC522 RFID Reader Library for RaspberryPi
7167,40257,505tamashii-nfcNFC is a ruby wrapper for the Near Field Communication library. The Near Field Communi...