1 | 36,297 | 19,502 | tamashii-agent | The agent module for RubyConfTW checkin system. |
2 | 47,645 | 57,505 | tamashii-manager | The IoT device manager for RubyConf checkin system. |
3 | 54,221 | 30,732 | tamashii | The WebSocket framework implement inspired by ActionCable |
4 | 75,459 | 57,505 | tamashii-common | The shared module for RubyConfTW checkin system. |
5 | 99,385 | 57,505 | tamashii-client | The WebSocket client of Tamashii framework |
6 | 135,374 | 57,505 | tamashii-mfrc522 | MFRC522 RFID Reader Library for RaspberryPi |
7 | 167,402 | 57,505 | tamashii-nfc | NFC is a ruby wrapper for the Near Field Communication library. The Near
Field Communi... |