Dalibor's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
114,44815,083octosharkOctoshark is a library for switching between multiple ActiveRecord connections
218,23929,930cyrillizerCharacter conversion from latin to cyrillic.
321,54021,205mad_cartProvides a unified api for various e-commerce merchants.
425,6716,688asherahAsherah is an application-layer encryption SDK that provides advanced encryption featur...
530,00824,802riskyA lightweight Ruby ORM for Riak.
632,43422,267deferrerDefer work units and process only the last one
758,01360,424cobhanCobhan FFI is a proof of concept system for enabling shared code to be written in Rust ...
860,83370,697should_cleanUtility to remove unneeded shoulds from your RSpec test descriptions - 'it "should do s...
9108,04784,840slidoxMarkdown to PDF and HTML conversion tool. Useful for building presentations and other d...
10128,334105,358model_fields_i18nTranslates model fields stored in the same model