Ksemuldie's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,29620,275solidus_braintreeUses the javascript API for seamless braintree payments
25,51216,657rubocop-solidusAutomatic Solidus code style checking tool. A RuboCop extension focused on enforcing So...
35,5245,999deprecations_detectorA tool to display deprecations in a simple way on a single HTML page.
417,16911,223solidus_paypal_commerce_platformIntegrate Solidus with Paypal Commerce Platform
522,12529,456solidus_socialAdds social network login services (OAuth) to Solidus
6123,87325,716omniauth-boltOmniAuth strategy for Bolt
7164,30761,367solidus_shipwireThis extension provide the ability to connect in a easy way your store and shipwire thr...