Rjurado's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
112,00525,792rails_jwt_authRails-API authentication solution based on JWT and inspired by Devise.
216,90414,905mongoid-denormalizeHelper module for denormalizing relations attributes in Mongoid models
318,89719,630as_json_representationsCreates representations of your model data in a simple and clean way
419,26124,241rubocop-nosolosoftwareDefault Rubocop configuration used in NoSoloSoftware developments
525,06147,329rails_authorizeAuthorization system for Rails with only few helpers and regular Ruby classes.
626,36874,510try-forTry block code for a X seconds capturing exceptions.
768,87074,510rails_sql_counterAllows to control how many queries are launched between two points