1 | 12,005 | 25,792 | rails_jwt_auth | Rails-API authentication solution based on JWT and inspired by Devise. |
2 | 16,904 | 14,905 | mongoid-denormalize | Helper module for denormalizing relations attributes in Mongoid models |
3 | 18,897 | 19,630 | as_json_representations | Creates representations of your model data in a simple and clean way |
4 | 19,261 | 24,241 | rubocop-nosolosoftware | Default Rubocop configuration used in NoSoloSoftware developments |
5 | 25,061 | 47,329 | rails_authorize | Authorization system for Rails with only few helpers and regular Ruby classes. |
6 | 26,368 | 74,510 | try-for | Try block code for a X seconds capturing exceptions. |
7 | 68,870 | 74,510 | rails_sql_counter | Allows to control how many queries are launched between two points |